
The PeopleMAX index is free to registered users. Please register below:

* = required information



If you are contactable by voice over IP (eg Skype) please enter [address] on [service]

Your organisation *

We understand that you might not want to identify the organisation you are benchmarking. But please let us know (tick the box) if you use a pseudonym/­alias


We’d appreciate an idea of your function and level

your preferences
Minimum 6 characters inc. uppercase, lowercase & numerical


Tick if it’s OK for all about talent to send you occasional emails explaining our services

Use this space for contact preferences, particular interests or anything else that could help us to help you


Your data

Everbody on the all about talent team is from an environment where client confidentiality is paramount.

We will use your data for these purposes and these purposes alone:

  • to communicate with you, observing your preferences
  • in aggregate with others’ data, to provide benchmarking services.

Terms & conditions

Here’s the deal:

  • We promise to be open and honest with you
  • You promise to be open and honest with us.

That’s it. Tick the box if you really mean it. We certainly do.

Full terms and conditions


We use one cookie in this system. It’s a functionality cookie to save you keying in your username every time.